AA-Grade Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Prasiolite Faceted Cubes, Black Spinel


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Product Details
  • Amethyst, Smoky Quartz, Prasiolite, and Clear Quartz from Brazil, Spinel from Sri Lanka
  • Stranded using durable and high quality elastic
  • Bracelet size: 16cm
Energy & Healing Properties


  • A classic meditation stone that helps combat stress and anxiety
  • Aids in relaxation, soothes the mind and clears one’s thoughts
  • Helps curb addictions and bad habits
  • Can bring a feeling that one is surrounded and protected by a “bubble of Light”
  • Physical: Brain imbalances, nervous disorders, dizziness, headaches, tinnitus, insomnia, better sleep

Black Spinel

  • Brings inspiration and new ways of thinking
  • Stone of victory – helps one accept challenges and increase endurance and persistence to succeed which makes it a great stone for abundance and prosperity
  • Helps in relaxation and releasing worries
  • Physical: Detoxification and purification of the body, nervous system

Clear Quartz

  • Unlike other stones which carry relatively fixed metaphysical properties and energies, Clear Quartz is unique in the sense that it can be ‘programmed’ by one’s focused intention or with any thought or feeling one wishes to bring forth, making it a great crystal for everyone.
  • Enables the wearer to manifest any focused intention or goal due to its ability to hold and retain one’s energy and intentions
  • Amplifies the properties of any stone it is paired with, and is a good companion for crystals with softer or more gentle vibrations
  • Brings clarity of thought and purpose to one’s mind and heart and can be extremely useful for those who are feeling overwhelmed or mentally cluttered
  • Physical: Nervous system imbalances


  • Helps one realign and shift focus to see the good in people and transcend the temptations of judgment and negativity
  • Opens the heart to compassion and reminds one to love and bless others
  • A stone of balance – links the mind, the heart, and the will
  • Fosters compassion, self-acceptance, and self-honor
  • Physical: Heart-related imbalances, digestion, stomach-acid imbalance, eating disorders

Smoky Quartz

  • Enhances practicality, organization, focus, and patience, which makes it an ideal stone for teachers and students
  • A premier protection and grounding stone – can absorb and transmute an unlimited amount of negative energy by grounding and neutralizing it into the Earth
  • Inspires one to create or change one’s reality
  • Physical: Counters radiation and excessive electromagnetic fields (computers, phones, UV rays, medical radiation treatments etc.)
  • After use, gently wipe using a soft cotton cloth and store in the provided jewelry pouch.
  • For more care instructions, please see our guide to caring for your gemstone jewelry.

Note: As these gemstones are natural, there may be variations in color, grain, shape, etc. These differences add character and make each piece wonderfully unique.

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